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Building a Foundation

It's been just about a week since commencing the project that is Earthen Games and its first game concept Planet Repossession Force. With prior corporate, agency, and small biz experience, I was familiar with the red tape involved with building something meaningful. Given that experience, which I am super thankful for, I made some good progress on forming the company and ensuring quality standards with protecting the brand. The hard launch is still down the road, but progress made thus far:

  • Set up Earthen Games LLC and commenced a TM + copyright request for the table top game

  • Bought the domain, made some tweaks to this site, and connected Earthen Games LLC's social media ecosystem

  • Finalized the general rule set and concept for the table top game board, which will be ready for physical prototype soon. Individual content pieces such as cards are still in early development

  • Finalized the overall plot, setting, factions, characters, narrative, and concept for the table top game

  • Created a monthly budget for pre-production and began outreach to potential manufacturing partners

  • Began outreach to designers for branded materials (anyone interested in creating unique card art?)

Like many other small biz owners, I'm investing everything into this. Money, blood, sweat, and tears. It comes with risk, but at least I will feel like I have a true purpose. Despite the red tape in the early stages of this project, I have never felt more fulfilled. I already envision whoever is reading this playing my game and having the time of their lives.

I cannot wait to show you all what's in store. Stay tuned for more updates. :)



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